
The owner wasn't getting the results he wanted from his website. Overall, the site and verbiage were too complicated. Also, there were usability issues with the website, such as poor navigation, complicated wording, and the site wasn't properly optimized for search engines.




There is a lot of information to be displayed on the site. Using images with a lot of human faces makes the site more welcoming, friendly and approachable.

There are several guides, tools, and PDF files available on the site. Displaying those on the site is important for introducing these elements to visitors and letting them know they are available.

There is an entire page of resources and samples that visitors can download. The library image in the background was enhanced so that the books would reflect the signature green color of Workitect, reinforcing the branding throughout the site.

A lot of conceptual images were used to demonstrate the main idea of each page.

James George

James George



I completely rebuilt the website, overhauling everything from the ground up. I streamlined the information, adding more visuals and less complicated wording to help communicate the message much easier. I optimized each page of the websites for search engines, making the site easier to index, while being for visually appealing and easier to understand.


Search Engine Optimization

Online Store: WooCommerce + Wordpress


  • Web Development
  • WordPress
  • CSS
  • Web Design
  • WordPress Maintenance
  • WordPress Plugin


2 - 4 weeks



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