
The company is a manufacturer of revolutionary pipettes - their product is great, their web pressence - not so much. They decided to update their look, as well as simplify the ordering process (which was manual at the time), so what we ended up with is an ecommerce website.



Homepage Design, it features the main product but also offers an overview of their other products and accessories.

Custom product form. The form was designed with a lot of attention to detail and clarity to ensure that the user isn't given the opportunity to make a mistake - or, if they do so, are able to know what it is and edit.

Product Page, with an overview of other available models as well as links to specifications, brochures etc.



Information architecture - there was a lot of content on the previous site, so it was important to distinguish what stays and what goes. My responsibility was also to ensure that their main product was prominently featured and drives customers to purchase it; and finally, once they've done so, make sure that the checkout process is seamless and pleasurable.


  • User Interface
  • Web Design
  • User Experience


1 - 3 months



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