
The main outlet for a consumer to purchase their products is through the Plantiva.com website. The current website has been faced with a few challenges. The shopping interface is challenging to navigate and returns errors in some cases blocking a successful conversion. The content is not updated frequently to drive traffic to the website. The design of the website lacks clear conversion paths for the visitor.



Consumer Products

Plantiva Home Page

Plantiva About Us Page

Plantiva Products Overview Page

Plantiva Products Detail Page

Tim Hawkins

Tim Hawkins



We produced a new website that will allow for a quick turnaround for publishing new content or repurposing existing content using blogging or content templates to make sure that users are educated about the Plantiva Products, provided insight and knowledge pertaining to the sciences behind the products and the ingredients and other relevant topics.


  • Web Development
  • Creative Direction
  • User Interface
  • Photoshop
  • Web Design
  • Front-End


3 - 6 months

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