
This one was a personal project, to enhance my skills in niche-based web design. I like food (who doesn't) so I picked restaurants. EatingItUp is a faux-business...it doesn't exist. Overview of the site: When the user lands on the page, they are hit with a bold, confident statement. A statement that would either lead the user to feel a "Wow their food must be good" feeling, where they would trust the statement, or a "Wow, I must see this for myself" feeling, where they would have a need to prove the statement wrong. Either way, the user would normally be hooked. Then the user is hit with the specials. These can be daily, weekly, whatever, but are meant to hook the user even further. They even have the option to buy the item right there, and then come in to pick up for takeout. Then a bit about dining in at the restaurant, with the option to check live-seating availability. This would need to tie into the restaurants workflow, by checking in with the in-house software that manages seating. Then the user is hit with the option to keep up with new specials, events, coupons, etc. And finally directions to the restaurant (map), and a closing statement that is (yet again) bold, yet welcoming, acting as if the user has already been hooked.


Restaurants & Dining

Full overview, desktop version of Eating it up Restaurant.

Andrew Reed

Andrew Reed



Creating a design that would allow users to visit the site, get basic information about the restaurant, while being enticed by the food that they provide. Users would be hit with daily specials right away, as well as even have the option to order online.


  • Graphic
  • Web Design


Within 3 days



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