
SNDWRx is a sound company in Canada that wanted a place where they could present their work, a website that was different and allowed people to play with sound. The website created by HYP allows people to use their keyboard to play different sounds, with each sound making the logo change color. The main interest of the website is its game, in which there are 26 hidden words: one for each letter of the alphabet, and whenever a person types one of these words, a bigger animation and sound is triggered. The idea is for users to find the 26 words and get their prize! The biggest challenge on this website was the development of the game and its animations. This one page website was made in Wordpress and is responsive to mobile devices. Try the trivia game at sndrwx.com/game and type a few words such as: note, orchestra, zen or quartet to see some of the animations we have created for the game.




Landing page

Landing page mockup

Screenshot of the about section

Screenshot of one of the animations - Orchestra

Screenshot of one of the animations - Zen

Screenshot of the portfolio section

Screenshot of the trivia game main page

Sara Joao

Sara Joao



On this project I managed HYP's team through all the process of the website creation and maintained a close communication with the client to ensure the quality of the final solution.


  • Web Development
  • Web Design
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • Illustration
  • Animation

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