
Colletta is based in a beautiful part of the Italian Riviera despite very good photography to work with here, the moon was to high and not very clear - so I used Photo editing software to bring it down


Graphic Design

Book Interior

Flora and Fauna pages

Restoration pages

Restoration pages

Settlement pages

Designer's Credit

Client Testimonial

Ole Wiig

AD produced a great book for us, against a lot of pressure. We had various different chapters being submitted as well as two different languages and a host of photography to deal with, Simon simply took hold of the project and produced what we were after - a great looking book.

Simon Broadhurst

Simon Broadhurst



Colour Correcting and Photo editing software as well as Publishing software The Book was put together in two different languages, I had to make sure that everything fitted perfectly.


Book Design


  • Book Interior
  • Book Cover
  • Graphic


1 - 3 months



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